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Sustainability at Momentive

Momentive is committed to creating value by working with our customers to deliver innovative solutions and by caring for our people, our communities, and our planet. In line with expectations of our stakeholders and consistent with our Core Values and Safety and Sustainability Policy, Momentive is committed to implementing business practices that improve not only financial results, but environmental, social and corporate governance performance.


We welcome you to explore our sustainability program in this page.

2022 Sustainability Report

Welcome to Momentive’s 2022 Sustainability Report. This year's Sustainability Report is themed Solutions for a Sustainable World™ and delineates on Momentive’s Vision 2025, our Sustainability Goals and Targets and demonstrates our commitment towards Our People, Our Products and Our Planets. Please go to our 2022 Sustainability Report to explore various sections of our report.

2022 Sustainability Report 


2025 Sustainability Goals

Momentive’s “Vision 2025” strategy includes a set of clear long-term sustainability goals, fully integrating our environmental and social commitments with our strategic business growth ambitions.

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*Goals are using 2019 as the baseline year.

Sustainability in our Supply Chain

Momentive will conduct business in a manner whereby we influence and engage our key stakeholders – owners, customers, employees, suppliers, the communities we operate within – in alignment with our sustainability priorities.

Code of Conduct for Suppliers & Other Third Parties       Sustainable Procurement Policy 
Momentive Joins Together for Sustainability (TfS)       Decarbonization of our Supply Chain       Supplier Diversity


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