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Specialized Modifiers

Achieving the right appearance, durability and surface properties for many end products requires precise material science – and the right modifiers. Momentive offers a full range of specialized silicone-based modifiers that may enhance material properties and can help to streamline processing. Our modifiers can potentially improve the impact resistance of adhesives and the abrasion resistance and cold temperature properties of elastomers. They can give sealants better elongation capabilities and may provide improved UV resistance. In some applications, our modifiers may even help to enhance the surface leveling and anti-graffiti capabilities of coatings.

For industries ranging from building and construction to industrial production and automotive, our solutions may enhance physical material properties and help to potentially eliminate a number of manufacturing issues. 

Our silicone modifiers are used to modify a variety of bulk silicone properties, including heat, chemical and impact resistance, flexibility, and water repellency. These modifications, and others, may help address a wide array of challenges, including processing, stabilizing, coating, curing and lubricity. They can help our customers produce better goods, reduce production problems, improve cost efficiencies and even lessen their impact on the environment.

Discover how Momentive's modifiers can enhance properties and processing for a wide array of applications.

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Baysilone™ OF-OH702-4% Polyurethane Resin Modifier

Baysilone* OF-OH702-4% polyurethane resin modifier may offer a less sticky, more comfortable feel to polyurethane leather and create a coating with superior durability and weather resistance.

Baysilone™ OF-TP3309

Baysilone OF TP 3309 is a 100% active branched aminofunctional polyorganosiloxane containing ethoxy groups. It is solvent-free, with ammonia-like odour. The product is recommended for ...

CoatOSil™ 7001 Copolymer

CoatOSil* 7001 copolymer improves the clarity of final film and film coalescence, as well as flow and leveling characteristics. Learn more today.

Indusil 140 Silicone

Indusil 140 silicone is an excellent candidate for use as heat sensitive coagulant for natural rubber latex and synthetic latex.

Indusil 2670 Silicone Emulsion

Indusil 2670 Emulsion is a concentrated, low viscosity Release Emulsion for use in formulated coating applications.

Indusil 2734 Silicone Emulsion

Indusil 2734 Emulsion is a concentrated water based emulsion silicone polymer that be used in a variety of surface coating applications.

Indusil ESS 010 Wetting Agent

Indusil ESS 010 wetting agent combines the unique ability to spread oils with compatibility with a wide range of oils and waxes.

Indusil ESS 110 Wetting Agent

Indusil ESS 110 wetting agent combines a unique ability to spread oils and compatibility with a wide range of oils and waxes.

Indusil SQX5 Silicone

Indusil SQX5 silicone is a silicate material for use as a component in polyurethane mold release formulations.

Indusil™ 89/175 Emulsion

Indusil 89/175 is an emulsion containing a reactive silicone polymer.

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European Coatings Show (ECS)

March 25-27, 2025 | Nuremberg, Germany | Register

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*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.