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At Momentive we understand that softness comes in many different forms. Regardless of the desired level of softness, our chemists have delivered innovative and powerful softening agents based on our patented linear [AB]n silicone copolymer technology. Whether the desired consumer-recognized effect is a voluminous and bulky feel, smooth drape or silky softness, we have a softening agent suited to the specific outcome. Processing also benefits from our softeners, which are water-dispersible or dilutable and offer shear and alkaline stability even at low use levels.

One factor that makes our advanced softening agents effective at low use levels is their linear molecular structure, which improves surface coverage and penetration. The molecules also feature amino or quat functionality - which allows us to tailor surface affinity, bulky touch and antistatic properties in each softener grade - and polyether blocks, which affect antistatic properties as well as hydrophilicity. Of course, the siloxane backbone of these molecules provides the slickness, smoothness and soft hand feel for which silicone-based softeners are known.

Our NuWet* brand finishes for nonwovens and our renowned Magnasoft* textile enhancers span the breadth of our softening capabilities and offer a full array of soft textile effects as well as cost efficiency, processing ease and additional value-adding benefits such as tear resistance and durability.

In addition to softeners, Momentive has an extensive portfolio of products developed for all aspects of the textile and leather industries.

* NuWet and Magnasoft are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.

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Baysilone™ DHS TP-3877 Polymer

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Baysilone™ OF-OH702-4% Polyurethane Resin Modifier

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Indusil 2734 Silicone Emulsion

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Indusil™ 89/175 Emulsion

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Magnasoft 175 Textile Softener

Magnasoft 175 textile softener is a micro amino-based silicone softener with excellent stability for textile and leather.

Magnasoft 22 Textile Softener

Magnasoft 22 textile softener may be considered for use in textile finishing of all synthetics, synthetic/cotton blends, polyester fleece, and wool fabrics.

Magnasoft 238-LT Textile Enhancer

Magnasoft 238-LT textile enhancer can be used for synthetics, synthetic/cotton blends, polyester fleece and wool fabrics finishing.

Magnasoft 707 Textile Enhancer

Magnasoft 707 textile enhancer is specially formulated to brighten and provide deepening color for textile and leather.

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* Silplusは、新日鉄住金化学株式会社の商標であり、許可を得て使用しています。

*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.