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Momentive’s silicone elastomers influence hundreds of commercial and consumer applications and deliver enhanced heat, moisture and weather resistance.

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AC 161 SPBK custom elastomer compound

AC 161 SPBK is a ready to use compound developed for injection molding of plug, boots and protective hoses for modern ignition systems in automotive

Addisil™ IND 1050 Heat Curable Rubber

The Addisil IND 10X0 E series is a one-component heat curable rubber for making elastomers (HCE) with a hardness range between 50 and 80 ...

Addisil™ IND 1060

The Addisil IND 10X0 E series is a one-component heat curable rubber for making elastomers (HCE) with a hardness range between 50 and 80 ...

Addisil™ IND 1070

The Addisil IND 10X0 E series is a one-component heat curable rubber for making elastomers (HCE) with a hardness range between 50 and 80 ...

Addisil™ IND 2050 E

Addisil IND 2050 is part of Momentive’s Addisil IND 20X0 E series. It is a two-component heat curable rubber used primarily in the manufacture of elastomers (HCE), such as oven door profiles and tubing for food applications.

FSL 7586/40

FSL 7586/40 allows the manufacturing of oil and fuel resistant self-lubricating connector seals through the conventional LSR molding process.

Silopren™ LSR 2725/40 liquid silicone rubber

Silopren* LSR 2725/40 liquid silicone rubber combines primer-less adhesion to many plastic substrates with good lubrication properties.

Silopren™ LSR 2740 Self-bonding, Liquid Silicone Rubber

Silopren LSR 2740 is a 40 durometer, self-bonding, biocompatible liquid silicone rubber for use in injection molding processes. Learn more

Silopren™ LSR 3366/50 liquid silicone rubber

Silopren LSR 3366/50 liquid silicone rubber offers a pairing of high long-term heat-stability with low compression set over extended 1000 hours testing.

Silopren™ LSR 3696/25 Liquid Silicone Rubber

Silopren LSR 3696/25 liquid silicone rubber allows design and manufacturing of matseals / family seals from LSR instead of HCR compounds.

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Momentive NXT Silanes: Delivering Sustainable Solutions
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