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Niax™ Silicone L-580


As a nonhydrolyzable silicone, Niax silicone L-580 typically offers excellent foam stability in extremely low-density foams that use liquid carbon dioxide as the blowing agent. It is also designed to provide fine regular cell structure, which yields foams with good breathability.

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More About Niax™ Silicone L-580

Niax silicone L-580 can provide superior nucleating efficiency and can reduce striations in the foam bun when used in stretched formulations with high toluenediisocyanate, high water and high CO 2 . It also has full hydrolytic stability and can be used as a separate stream or in water/amine/silicone preblends.

This additive generally works well on most commercially available CO 2 equipment, including Cannon's CarDio machine, Beamech's CO-2 machine and Hennecke's NOVAFLEX machine. In fact, most foams poured using Niax silicone L-580 on CO 2 pilot scale equipment of the aforementioned brands achieved a finer, more uniform cell structure than the competitive product, and good density distribution as well

Potential applications for Niax silicone L-580 include: 

  • Extremely low-density foams that use liquid carbon dioxide as the blowing agent
  • Furniture
  • Bedding 

For key features, typical benefits and physical properties, potential applications, and more, please download the marketing bulletin on this page. 

*Niax is a trademark of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.    

CarDio, CO-2 and NOVAFLEX are trademarks of The Cannon Group, Beamech Group Ltd. and Hennecke GmbH, respectively

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* Silplusは、新日鉄住金化学株式会社の商標であり、許可を得て使用しています。

*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.