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Thermally Conductive Encapsulants and Potting Compounds for Electronics Products

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SILCOOL™ TIA208R-HF Thermally Conductive Silicone Rubber

SILCOOL TIA208R-HF is a 2-component, thermally conductive highly flowable potting material. When cured at room temperature or quickly with heat, it cures to a thermally conductive rubber that adheres well to most metal and plastic substrates without the need for primers.

SILCOOL™ TIA211G Thermally Conductive Potting Material

SILCOOL TIA211G is a 2-component, thermally conductive potting material.

SILCOOL™ TIA216G Thermally Conductive Silicone Rubber

SILCOOL TIA216G is a 2-component, thermally conductive potting material used primarily on complex thermal interface designs.

SILCOOL™ TIA227G Thermally Conductive Silicone Rubber

SILCOOL TIA227G is a two-component, heat curable silicone rubber designed for thermally conductive potting applications. It quickly cures with exposure to heat to form an elastic, thermally conductive rubber that helps relieve stress on critical electronic components.

TIA222G Thermally Conductive Silicone

TIA222G thermally conductive silicone is a two-component material used for encapsulating, gap filling, and as a thermal path to heat sinks.

TSE3335 Potting

TSE3431 Potting

TSE3431-H Potting

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