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Product Categories Mold Release Agents YMR7212 Silicone Emulsion

YMR7212 Silicone Emulsion

YMR7212 Silicone Emulsion

YMR7212 is a silicone emulsion based on a silanol-terminated dimethyl silicone fluid.

It is a thermally curable silicone emulsion that provides durable lubricity, water repellency, and easy release for a number of substrates. It delivers a softening effect for textile and other materials.

YMR 7212 silicone emulsion is water dispersable.

More About YMR7212 Silicone Emulsion

YMR7212 silicone emulsion is inert, heat stable, non-toxic product that suits a number of industrial applications where lubrication, gloss, protective, and release properties are required.

Final coating has high temperature stability and low volatility of silicone fluid.

YMR7212 silicone emulsion can be incorporated in formulations with a broad range of other chemistries. 

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