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Silox™ Grafting Agents

Used in concert with high-performance master batch formulations and stabilized resins, Momentive’s Silox liquid grafting agents can help optimize the performance of polyethylene pipes. The result is typically long service life in demanding applications such as industrial hot and cold water distribution, central and district heating, industrial pipes, and the transport of gas or compressed air. Under standardized testing of one particular Silox agent and master batch combination, the extruded pipe rated an extrapolated service life of 134 years for continuous hot water and 536 years for intermittent hot water. Our Silox agents are also excellent candidates to consider for use in both one- and two-step extrusion processes.

The key to Silox agents' performance is a carefully determined ratio of silanes and peroxides along with proprietary stabilizers. This formulation helps to maximize grafting efficiency within a wide range of polyethylene grades. It also furnishes a high onset temperature, contributing to good process stability and minimizing pre-grafted and crosslinked particles during extrusion. Silox products may be effective in low-odor applications or situations that require environmental compliance, outstanding chemical stability and low VOC emissions.

Silox agents may serve as integral contributors to valuable end-use benefits including: 

  • Maximum service temperature of 100° C

Grafting efficiency, process stability and end-product performance help make Silox agents an effective and cost-efficient choice for many harsh or demanding applications.

Discover the Silox agent grades that may provide affordable processing and long service life for your polyethylene products.

* Silox is a trademark of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.

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Silox™ 23 Silane

Designed to crosslink high-density polyethylene (HDPE) PEX pipe, Silox 23 silane can be used in the Monosil one-step process or Sioplas two-step process. Learn more.

Silox™ VS-890-2

Silox™ VS-911

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European Coatings Show (ECS)

March 25-27, 2025 | Nuremberg, Germany | Register

* Silplusは、新日鉄住金化学株式会社の商標であり、許可を得て使用しています。

*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.