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Silopren™ Liquid Silicone Rubber

Momentive’s extensive Silopren liquid silicone rubber is a portfolio of platinum catalyzed materials designed to cure rapidly by heating in standard injection molding equipment. This versatile family of elastomers can deliver solutions to a wide range of applications across multiple industries ranging from automotive to energy and consumer goods to health care.

The high thermal stability, high tear strength, and broad range of durometers of the Silopren liquid silicone rubbers (LSRs) make them excellent candidates to consider for applications such as components used in the biopharmaceutical and medical industries, automotive gaskets, food packing valves, and infant care products. Self-bonding material options are available for applications where adhesion to a range of engineered thermoplastic and metal substrates are desired for two-component molding.

The Silopren liquid silicone rubber portfolio also includes self-lubricating, low-compression-set material options that may be useful for automotive connector seals, fluorinated liquid silicone rubbers for applications where enhanced fuel and solvent resistance are of concern, and electrically insulating formulations for high-voltage industry applications.

In addition, the Silopren liquid silicone rubber (LSR) family includes a line of high-optical-transparency materials where both the excellent physical stability and processing advantages of silicone rubber are desired, coupled with enhanced optical properties for applications such as LED lenses, light guides and optical coupling.

Discover how our highly versatile Silopren liquid silicone rubber brand is helping enable technologies that are at the frontline of innovation.

* Silopren is a trademark of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.

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CLS 8150 Self-bonding, Liquid Silicone Rubber

Learn more about CLS 8150, a 50 durometer, self-bonding, biocompatible liquid silicone rubber for use in injection molding processes.

FSL 7586/40

FSL 7586/40 allows the manufacturing of oil and fuel resistant self-lubricating connector seals through the conventional LSR molding process.

Silopren™ Base Compound H6

U Base Compound H 6 is a vinyl-group-containing polymethylsiloxane. It is a modification of the U silicone polymer grades.

Silopren™ LSR 2050

Silopren LSR 2050 is a two-component liquid silicone rubber for injection molding processes. Because of its excellent processing properties it can be considered for use ...

Silopren™ LSR 2650

Silopren LSR 2650 is a two-component injection molded liquid silicone rubber. In comparison to Silopren LSR 2050, Silopren LSR 2650 shows a lower viscosity, improved tear resistance and a higher reactivity.

Silopren™ LSR 2725/40 liquid silicone rubber

Silopren* LSR 2725/40 liquid silicone rubber combines primer-less adhesion to many plastic substrates with good lubrication properties.

Silopren™ LSR 2740 Self-bonding, Liquid Silicone Rubber

Silopren LSR 2740 is a 40 durometer, self-bonding, biocompatible liquid silicone rubber for use in injection molding processes. Learn more

Silopren™ LSR 3286/50 TP4224

Silopren LSR 3286/50 is a a two-component liquid silicone rubber for injection molding processes.

Silopren™ LSR 3366/50 liquid silicone rubber

Silopren LSR 3366/50 liquid silicone rubber offers a pairing of high long-term heat-stability with low compression set over extended 1000 hours testing.

Silopren™ LSR 3696/25 Liquid Silicone Rubber

Silopren LSR 3696/25 liquid silicone rubber allows design and manufacturing of matseals / family seals from LSR instead of HCR compounds.

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* Silplusは、新日鉄住金化学株式会社の商標であり、許可を得て使用しています。

*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.