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SAG™ Antifoams

Momentive’s SAG antifoams succeed in the most critical aspects of foam control: they can provide rapid knockdown as well as superior durability, and they can do so effectively at relatively low doses — which may lead to lower cost in use than some competing products. Various SAG antifoams are also able to handle difficult environments, such as high or low temperature, high hardness and severe pH conditions. Whether an operation involves blending, percolating, filtering, filling, transporting or spreading, SAG antifoams can efficiently and effectively control foam.

By controlling foam in industrial, agricultural or food processes, SAG antifoams have helped our customers increase equipment capacity, decrease processing time and expense, achieve better product consistency and delivery, and improve the quality of finished products.

SAG antifoams are effective because they promote low surface tension and low solubility in most systems. They disperse readily and may therefore be used effectively in low dosages. Critical to crop and food applications, they typically leave no substantial residue or odor and are bio-inert. (Where applicable, SAG antifoams may be used as an inert, indirect food additive in compliance with FDA requirements under 21 CFR 170-179.)

Selecting the best antifoam is ultimately a delicate balance between performance and cost requirements. Because SAG antifoams offer a range of cost and performance levels, our customers can select the best cost-performance combination for their particular application.

The SAG family of products includes self-dispersing concentrates, emulsions and non-aqueous compounds from which formulators can select the right product to match their particular system. Specific grades can provide optimal service in high or low temperatures, high or low pH values, low- or high-shear processing equipment and food or nonfood applications.

Find out more about how the full line of SAG antifoaming agents can provide your industry's antifoam solution.

*SAG is a trademark of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.

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SAG 10, SAG 10E Silicone Antifoam Emulsions

SAG 10, SAG 10E silicone antifoam emulsions are excellent candidates to consider for foam control in aqueous systems.

SAG 1000AP Silicone Antifoam

SAG 1000AP silicone antifoam is a 100% active foam control agent, it can give excellent performances in non-aqueous environments.

SAG 220 Antifoam Emulsion

SAG 220 antifoam emulsion is an excellent choice to consider for a variety of water-based foam issues.

SAG 7133 Antifoam Emulsion

SAG 7133 antifoam emulsion controls foam in amine and glycol dehydration units. Learn more about its great capabilities in severe conditions today.

SAG 831 Silicone Antifoam Emulsion

SAG 831 antifoam emulsion can successfully control foam in the most severe conditions within broad range of oilfield applications.

SAG TP-317 Silicone Antifoam

SAG TP-317 organically modified silicone polymers can help prevent and destroy foam in non-aqueous systems of different nature.

SAG TP-325 Foam Control Agent

SAG TP-325 foam control agent is an excellent candidate to consider for use in controlling the foam in non-aqueous systems, particularly diesel fuel and lube oils.

SAG TP-325 OTL Silicone Antifoam

SAG TP-325 OTL organically modified silicone polymers can help prevent and destroy foam in non-aqueous systems of different nature.

SAG TP-345 Foam Control Agent

SAG TP-345 foam control agent organically modified silicone polymers can help prevent and destroy foam in non-aqueous systems of different nature.

SAG TP-367 Silicone Antifoam

SAG TP-367 silicone antifoam organically modified silicone polymers can help prevent and destroy foam in non-aqueous systems of different nature.

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*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.