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Element14™ Fluids

At high or low temperatures or elevated pressures, Element14 fluids distinguish themselves from organic polymers, with viscosity and other fluid properties remaining stable in multiple conditions. Coupled with a long shelf life, this stability has resulted in the use of Element14 polydimethlysiloxane (PDMS) fluids across a broad range of applications, from hydraulic fluids to cosmetic additives.

Element14 PDMS fluids can stay in liquid form at conditions that cause organic polymers to become greases, waxes or solids. Because the viscosity of Element14 fluids changes very little with temperature, pressure, mechanical stress or chemical exposure, they can excel in applications requiring fluid properties in harsh environments. With relatively stable viscosity and other excellent properties Element14 fluids are strong candidates to consider for use in a wide range of applications: 

  • In mechanically demanding applications such as hydraulics and damping, Element14 fluids typically provide extremely good shear stability and excellent lubrication or slip.
  • Because of their unusually low interfacial tension, Element14 fluids are excellent to consider for applications that require high surface activity and great spreading or penetration. Mold releases, polishes and cosmetics are examples of products that can benefit from these characteristics.
  • These fluids can be considered for liquid dielectrics; measurements have revealed that the dielectric strength, volume resistivity, dielectric constant and dissipation factor are little affected by temperatures over a wide range.

Momentive has standardized the formulation, labeling and ordering of the Element14 products around the world, ensuring reliable consistency for our global customers in all regions. And we continue to work closelywith customers to help them optimize each Element14 application.

Discover how the complete Element14 line of PDMS fluids can provide successful solutions.

* Element14 is a trademark of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.

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Element14 PDMS 1000-JC

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* Silplusは、新日鉄住金化学株式会社の商標であり、許可を得て使用しています。

*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.