
MyMomentive - Simplified

Introducing MyMomentive™

Simplified Order Management

At Momentive, we take pride in providing innovative solutions that deliver value to our customers.  Our focus on innovation includes providing digital solutions to help streamline procurement processes.

We are pleased to introduce MyMomentive™, our new, easier to use online Order Management Tool.  MyMomentive simplifies your shopping and ordering process for our high-performance silicone and specialty materials. 

With a modern design and enhanced navigation, MyMomentive provides quick access to product information, pricing, check availability, place orders, track orders, view billing summary, and download documents such as – Safety Data Sheets, Technical Data Sheets, Packing Lists, Invoices, and Certificates of Analysis.

MyMomentive was introduced regionally January-February 2023 with an email Invitation to Register and Getting Started Guide.  Login or register today on!

Take a moment to view the MyMomentive Video Introduction for a quick preview of the features and benefits.

- Modern Design with Enhanced Navigation
- Enhanced Security with 2-Factor-Authentication
Quick access to Products & Pricing
- Persistent Shopping Cart
Responsive Design
- Check Availability
- Minimum Order Quantity Alerts
Order Tracking
- Billing Summary
- Download Documents
- Guided Site Tour
- Online FAQ/Help

MyMomentive has replaced the previous Web Order Center platform.  The Web Order Center was discontinued May 31, 2023.

MyMomentive is not required to place orders; however, it is a valuable online resource for Buyers and Accounts Payable contacts.  MyMomentive provides online self-service solutions, replacing manual processes such as Customer Service via phone, fax, or standard email.  It is not designed to replace existing integrated solutions or EDI order transactions.

Please contact your Account Manager or Customer Service Representative if you should have any questions.

* Silplusは、新日鉄住金化学株式会社の商標であり、許可を得て使用しています。

* Las marcas que tienen un asterisco (*) son marcas comerciales de Momentive Performance Materials Inc.