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Momentive demonstrates its global commitment to quality and environmental, health and safety performance through third party certification programs such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, OHSA's VPP, Responsible Care® and others.

Momentive’s Quality Management System is globally certified to the ISO9001:2015 standard and our certificate can be found, here.  

Momentive’s global commitment to EHS is also verified by participation in standard evaluations such as ISO 14001 with certificates held by sites around the world, which currently include India (Bangalore and Chennai), Japan (Ohta - English), Europe (Termoli) and as a multi-site certificate covering our Headquarters and facilities in the USA, Brazil, China, Korea and Thailand (Waterford, Itatiba, Nantong, Hwaseong, Rayong), occupational health and safety management systems like ISO 45001 (Termoli, Italy, Rayong, Thailand, Ohta - English, Ohta - Japanese).  We also support programs like Responsible Care®, with certification under the American Chemistry Council RCMS®:2019-RC101-06 standard for our Headquarters in Niskayuna, New York and sites in Garrett, Indiana and Friendly, West Virginia (Responsible Care®), and our Itatiba, Brazil site is certified under the ABIQUIM (Brazilian Chemical Industry Association) Responsible Care standard.

Energy management is an important element of our sustainability activities and that effort is documented in ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard certificates held by our Leverkusen, Germany as well as our Termoli, Italy sites.

Momentive’s global commitment to Customer satisfaction is reflected in Halal and Kosher certification of products.  Halal certificates are available for certain products produced at our Sistersville, Itatiba, Waterford (additional Waterford Halal certificate), Chennai, Rayong, Ohta and Nantong sites.  Kosher certificates are available for certain products produced at our Sistersville and Waterford sites.

View Halal and Kosher Certificates

View Basildon Chemical Co. Ltd Accreditations & Halal and Kosher Certificates

IATF Certification


EFfCI Certifications
Momentive_EFfCI Certification_ Basildon
Momentive_EFfCI Certification_Guangzhou
Momentive_EFfCI Certification_Sistersville
Momentive_EFfCI Certification_Nantong

RSPO Certifications

Momentive_RSPO Nantong _Niskayuna

For more information or details about Momentive's certifications, please contact Momentive

Sustainability North America

North America

Chino, CA
Sistersville, WV

GHG Voluntary Effort  
Waterford, NY   


Responsible Care
Garrett, IN
Sistersville, WV       


ISO 14001
Waterford, NY





Accreditation - Europe



Termoli, Italy

ISO 14001 
Termoli, Italy  

ISO 45001 
Termoli, Italy  

ISO 50001
Leverkusen, Germany
Termoli, Italy




Accreditation - Asia and India

Asia and India

ISO 14001
Ohta, Japan       
Rayong, Thailand
Nantong, China
Bangalore, India
Chennai, India
Hwaseong, Korea

ISO 45001 
Ohta, Japan



New EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Regulation

The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a management tool for companies to evaluate, report and improve their environmental performance. Reports are available by contacting sustainability@momentive.com. Each report contains an overview of the Momentive organization and site-specific production information. The environmental performance of the site is reported and presented with environmental indicators. The environmental impacts are identified and valuated, and objective formulated to improve the environmental performance.


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* Die mit einem Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Marken sind Marken von Momentive Performance Materials Inc.