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Recent Court Ruling Supports Momentive’s Protection of Intellectual Property

April 06, 2023

NISKAYUNA, N.Y. (April 6th, 2023) – Momentive Performance Materials Inc. (Momentive) announced today that a criminal court in China reached a ruling that supports Momentive’s protection of its intellectual property. The ruling determined that four former employees committed trade secret infringement by misappropriating Momentive’s proprietary textile-enhancer and antifoaming technologies and using the information to produce and sell competing products. The sentencing included prison time and fines for the individuals, a fine for the company they created, and an order to immediately confiscate the infringing products and production equipment. In addition, a civil court in China ordered the company and its principal to pay damages to Momentive. Moreover, a former employee related to this incident was also previously convicted of trade secret infringement by a court in Korea and sentenced to time in prison.

Momentive has a long history of innovation and takes protecting its intellectual property seriously. The company has and will continue to vigorously enforce its intellectual property rights around the world, including cooperating with law enforcement on criminal investigations. By protecting the company’s innovative solutions, customers can trust the consistent high-quality products they purchase under the Momentive brand. To learn more about Momentive and its products, visit www.momentive.com

About Momentive

Momentive is a premier global advanced materials company with a cutting-edge focus on silicone and specialty products. We deliver technologies, solutions and processes designed to propel our customer’s products forward—products that have a profound impact on everyday life from dawn to dusk, and from living rooms to outer space. With every innovation, Momentive aims to create a more sustainable future. Our vast product portfolio is made up of advanced silicone solutions that play an essential role in driving performance across a multitude of industries, including agriculture, automotive, aerospace, electronics, personal care, consumer products, building and construction, and more.

Momentive Performance Materials, Inc. is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of MOM Holding Company and is one of the largest producers of silicones and silicone derivatives. Additional information about Momentive and its products is available at momentive.com.

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