お急ぎの場合は 0120-975-400 または、
下のリンクをクリックして地域担当者へお電話ください。. 地域のカスタマーサービスに電話する


お急ぎの場合は 0120-975-400 または、
下のリンクをクリックして地域担当者へお電話ください。. 地域のカスタマーサービスに電話する



Momentive Announces Sealants Price Increase

2月 15, 2018
On February 15, 2018, Momentive announced that its Sealant’s Business Unit is raising its prices on certain silicone sealants products. Effective for shipments made on or after March 15, 2018, all sealant prices in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia are increasing by 20%, or as contracts allow.  These price increases are being driven by a number of factors including escalating raw material, energy and other costs.

About Momentive

Momentive is a global leader in silicones and advanced materials, with a 75- plus year heritage of being first to market with performance applications that support and improve everyday life. Momentive delivers science-based solutions for major industries, by linking its custom technology platforms to allow the creation of unique solutions for customers. Additional information is available at  www.momentive.com.
Momentive NXT Silanes: Delivering Sustainable Solutions
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3月 25 日 -27 日、2025 年 | Nuremberg, Germany | 登録

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